Partonomy list P3, primary language: EN, subsidiary: LA, interface: EN, work in progress

cervical fascia

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Current level cervical fascia
Subsidiary language with Latin
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Partonomy list
Short English equivalent
Short official Latin term
76866 1761
cervical fascia
fascia cervicalis
57805 1762
superficial cervical fascia ; superficial layer; superficial investing cervical fascia
fascia cervicalis superficialis ; lamina superficialis; fascia investiens superficialis colli
46447 1763
suprasternal space
spatium suprasternale
middle cervical fascia
fascia cervicalis media
46559 1764
visceral cervical fascia ; pretracheal layer
fascia cervicalis visceralis ; lamina pretrachealis
57793 1765
suspensory ligament of thyroid gland
ligamentum suspensorium glandulae thyroideae
46561 1767
carotid sheath (pair)
vagina carotica (par)
deep cervical fascia
fascia cervicalis profunda
intercarotid fascia ; superficial layer
fascia intercarotica ; lamina superficialis
46560 1766
deep layer ; prevertebral layer
lamina profunda ; lamina prevertebralis
scalene fascia
fascia scalena
cervical sagittal septum ; alar fascia
septum sagittale cervicale ; fascia alaris
76867 1787
nuchal fascia (pair)
fascia nuchae (par)
13 lines
100.0 %
92.3 %
Scientific notes
Libelle of note
In a recent study based on a large series embalmed with Thiel’s method (Thiel 1992 Ann Anat 174:185-195), Feigl et al. (2020 J Anat (Lond) 237:197-207) clarified aspects of the sometimes confusing terminology for the fascia cervicalis. Their proposal largely follows Hafferl’s approach (Hafferl A 1969 Lehrbuch der topographischen Anatomie. Springer, Berlin, pp 227-235).
The term fascia cervicalis visceralis replaces the TA98 term lamina pretrachealis. In TA2, fascia visceralis colli is used.
The fascia cervicalis media (TA2: fascia musculorum infrahyoideum) is formed by the fascia of the infrahyoid muscles.
The septum sagittale cervicale or fascia alaris (TA98, TA2) forms a sagittal septum in the neck, described as ‘cloissons sagittales’ by Charpy (1912 in: Poirier P, ed Traité d’anatomie humaine. Masson, Paris, pp 258-260).
The lamina superficialis of the fascia cervicalis profunda or fascia intercarotica was named fascia alaris by Grodinsky and Holyoke (1938 Am J Anat 63:367-408; see also Gavid et al. 2018 Surg Radiol Anat 40:917-922), but in TA98 and TA2 this term is reserved for the septum sagittale cervicale/cervical sagittal septum.
Type of list P3
List Unit Identifier 1761
Subtotals subchildren 0 subunits 0
Proper children 16
Number of children 16 (validated)
Proper units 13
Number of units 13 (validated)
Signature 14784 (validated since 20.12.2022)
Date: 18.07.2023